Empowering creators to confidently articulate their vision, grow and develop personally, and navigate successful career and life transitions both online and offline.

mentorship program

book a 1:1

insight session

with iman benet

who am i?

what story am i telling?

what have i come here to do?

how do i begin to embody my purpose & start to feel more alive?

These are the questions we all face when embarking on the journey of self-discovery.

I've stood where you stand now, peering into the abyss of the unknown self. Not knowing where to begin or how to ask for help. Having a wealth of ideas but no clear strategy on how to effectively implement.

As it turns out - it was precisely this dilemma that revealed to me my greatest gift: the ability to see, to listen, and to guide others towards their own inner light.

My gift to you? I see you. And together, we’ll chart your path towards clarity and help you access the tools and the resources you need to strategize the best way to achieve even your biggest goals.

I'm here as your guide, your mirror, reflecting back the brilliance that sometimes hides in your own shadows. Together I'll help you navigate the trials and tribulations of growth, clarify your vision, and amplify your voice in order to optimize for positive impact on the world.

let's uncover your gifts, chart your path forward, and reclaim your power as the creator and the authority of your own life story.

“and then, the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

- Anais Nin

my offerings


Unlock your true potential – this essential personal development toolkit is for individuals eager to uncover their authentic self and clarify the vision of who they are and what they want through a 1:1 guided insight workshop divided into 2 sessions.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Step 1: Intake session personalized Guided Meditation and scripting session to ground your vision into the present moment.

  • Step 2: Chart reading. Utilizing your astrology and human design chart to understand who you are and your place in the world.

  • Step 3: Story Archetype Strategy Session: Understanding where you’re going and what story you’re telling.

  • Step 4: This is the fun part. Let’s craft and shape the life of your dreams


Brand Strategy Session - Designed for clients who have an existing idea and/or developing brand that are ready for a complete brand makeover and implementation strategy with a 1:1 creative consultation divided into 2 sessions.

Here’s what we’ll do:

  • Step 1: Brand Strategy Session. Diving deeper into your Brand Identity narrative to figure out what you’re building and why.

  • Step 2: Discover your Expanders:
    Let’s figure out who’s on your team, who your audience is and uncover what you need to scale and grow from here.

  • Step 3: Aligned action. Organize your ideas into goals and put a strategic plan in place. Together we’ll craft and shape the brand of your dreams and get clear on how we can best use it to positively impact our community.

the full package

Designed for clients who want it all.
The full package is a complete transformation on both a personal and brand level divided into 4 sessions with additional accountability support from Iman Benet.

Here’s what we’ll do:

  • Step 1 and 2: We’ll walk you through
    our Clarity Workshop and Strategy Sessions for you and your brand
    plus you’ll get access to 1:1 on-call accountability mentorship for 6 weeks after your first initial call.

  • Step 3: Aligned Action. We’ll breakdown your goals step by step and create your personalized execution road map and 5-10 year plan with access to the full chart reading and breakdown for you and your brand.

  • This package is only for those who are ready for full spectrum transformation in their lives.

ready to level up?